Do you know which Goddess you connect to? Actually, let me rewind – do you know which Goddesses there are? Regardless of whether your answer is no, yes, or anything in between – IT’S OK!

That’s what’s beautiful about this sisterhood we have created. We get to share and learn from one another. Now, that doesn’t mean that you have to believe everything I believe – and vice versa. It just means that we love each other enough to respect what the other resonates with.

What I would love is to share with you a little about the Goddess I most resonate with. She is known as the Devi (Divine Feminine, Goddess), Saraswati. She is also an all-embracing Mother Goddess first worshipped in Indian Prehistoric times, vedic times.

Are you wondering why I resonate with her the most?

She represents wisdom, creativity, classical arts, beauty, studying, music, sound, your voice, knowledge, spiritual studies/practice, poetry, singing…

I am drawn to her because she is known to have many sides and she (and her divine masculine consort, Bramha) are the creators of the universe – and that is something I think MOST of us can relate to!

I think as women, we were born with a divine gift, to serve, guide and create (our life path), AND flourish – love life, feel our light, share our light and be in joy….

This is what we will be doing at the Body Freedom Workshop! ? Nov 23rd, 2:30-4:30pm The Soul of Yoga in Encinitas, CA.

❤️??? We get to connect in-person and deepen our practice to raise each other up to come into our fullest and RISE!

Some of you may have a harder time tapping into your true essence, but I guarantee you, you are worthy of having it all.

That’s my favorite thing about the Divine Feminine within us. When we finally do accept and acknowledge the fact she exists, not once does she ever question what took us so long to find her. She just offers pure, radiating love and acceptance.



P.S. You are invited ?? I want to have your presence and energy at our Body Freedom Special Class. Mark your calendar for Saturday, NOVEMBER 23rd Body Freedom Workshop! Or better yet, click here to register!
It’s so reasonably priced, as I wanted it to be a no-brainer. I can’t wait to share with you what’s to come!
If you can’t make it, look for more details for my webinar coming up SOON!

One final thing, I’d love your advice…it’ll take just a few minutes of your time.

Here is the link – SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS!

I highly value your responses. Thank in advance for your taking a moment…
Please do not be afraid to answer from your heart – it’s the best way we can grow together.