Have you ever had a moment when you just KNEW that you were doing EXACTLY what you’re meant to do?

So I’m having a little bit of fun in this picture…


Okay, I’m having a LOT of fun in this picture…


Seriously though, I’m having A BLAST here!


Know why? 

Because this is MY PLACE.

These are MY PEOPLE.

And I’m doing what I LOVE!


You have a picture like this, don’t you? No, not the exact same picture of you right in the middle of an amazing dance move where you’re taking the old adage “Dance like no one’s watching” at 100% even though you have a microphone and EVERYONE is watching. (But if you do have that picture, can I see it?!)


I mean a picture of yourself. In YOUR place. With YOUR people. Doing what YOU are MEANT TO DO.


Maybe the picture isn’t printed or shareable online, but you’ve got it in your head. You have it in your head right now, and I’m going to take a wild guess at what your face is doing – you’re smiling, aren’t you?




Come smile with us, Join us! LET’S MOVE and smile together!


There is a time in your life that you can think of where you were in the right place, with the right people (or no people even), doing the right thing, and you had the thought,


This is what I’m meant for.

This is why I’m here.

This is what I’m made to do.


So what now? What do you do with that information? 

Quiz time! Do you:

  1. Sit in that memory and wistfully wish for the past, letting it color your present and future a dreary grey.
  2. Hold out hope that you’ll someday get there again, that somehow things will happen in a way that you’ll get to have that experience one more time, then one more time, then one more time…
  3. Create your life so that thing, that memory, that perfect picture of yourself, is you ALL THE TIME.


Sister, you know the answer is C. 

Hey, hold on to that memory for dear life. Don’t lose hope that you’ll only get that experience once. But don’t stop there.



That experience was a GIFT. You now know what you’re meant to do, why you’re here. MOVE with that information now, and live your life so that you CREATE those experiences continually.


This could mean you start your own business.

Or make time to see your closest friends more often.

Or wake up once a week to watch the stars fade into the sunrise.


It could be a big change or a small step. But you’ve got it in you, Sister, to CREATE this for yourself and MOVE toward it.


I did it. And I’m doing it again!


Do you want to see that picture come to life for me? Because IT WILL at this year’s EMBODY!


October 4-5 in Encinitas, at the Seaside Spiritual Center. 

I might not be wearing that same outfit, but I promise you I will have that same, excited, “This is IT!” look on my face as we come together and EMBODY all that we are, EMBRACE all that we are meant to do, and MOVE toward purpose and passion.


Join us! LET’S MOVE!

