Woooooweeeeeee…this is my favorite time of year, what about you? Do you enjoy the wind blowing and leaves falling…? 


It’s the time of year when I start to crave being surrounded by the people I love. The time of year when the warmth from my favorite morning tea spreads to my heart.




I am all warm and tingly inside just thinking about it!


I always use this time of year to really be conscious of gratitude.  Don’t get me wrong, I am ALWAYS grateful–but I believe that practicing gratitude is something that can constantly be improved upon.


Honestly, can we ever be too grateful?


I don’t think so!


We all work so hard in our day-to-day lives, we can easily forget to stay present and live in the moment.


What is something you are grateful for that you take for granted?


I truly enjoy the warmth in my palms as I cradle my favorite morning mug of goodness, and I love to start my morning thinking of things and people that I am grateful for.  


It’s good to remember that practicing gratitude doesn’t always have to be about big things.


Gratitude can come from watching the beauty of the leaves changing colors, or watching them slowly dance in the breeze.  It can come from witnessing the kindness between strangers OR being the stranger offering or accepting kindness.


Gratitude exists in the most simplistic of instances, as well as those huge, life-changing moments.


As we are stepping into fall and noticing the season change, see if you can tap into those simplistic moments of gratitude.  Challenge yourself to take a few extra minutes each day to appreciate the beauty in the simplicity all around us.


See if you can notice a difference in your attitude… a difference in your day.


I have a huge smile on my face just thinking about all this gratitude!


I am constantly grateful for YOUR support.  Sometimes I can feel the love and energy you send my way. 

I hope you can feel my love for you as well! Can you feel it?


I am grateful for you, and our connection. I love that we get to grow together. 


XO Hemalayaa