Do you speak to the Goddess within you? Do you resonate with her? Or are you still waiting to meet her?

Regardless of our gender, we all have divine feminine and divine masculine energy within us. Our health and vitality banks on this balance. The give and take. The yin and yang. The Divine within us.

It is easy to get sucked into what society tells us we SHOULD be. Ugh to not living up to the societal norms. Who created these ‘norms’ anyways? The patriarchy?!! Most definitely…. And why do we allow ourselves to feel guilt and pressure from someone or some entity that we are not in alignment with?

I say enough is enough!

It’s time to awaken that inner Goddess within you, and speak to her – AND allow her speak to you. It’s time to tap into that divine energy that ALL of us have. Whether or not you have found it, I promise you, it exists.

It’s that fire buried deep down in your womb. A fire of such divine spiritual energy, it can’t wait to escape and set your mind free!

Learning to speak to your inner Goddess doesn’t come naturally to everyone. In fact, that’s why it is called A PRACTICE.

You practice yoga. You practice meditation. You practice tapping into that inner Goddess within you. The more you practice, the more rewards you receive. Just like anything in life.

This is what we will be doing at the Body Freedom Workshop! ? Nov 23rd, 2:30-4:30pm The Soul of Yoga in Encinitas, CA.

❤️??? We get to connect in-person and deepen our practice to raise each other up to come into our fullest and RISE!

What are some of the ways you practice speaking to the Goddess within you?

Everyone can have a different approach to tapping into their inner Goddess. And that is OK. You know why? Because you are YOUnique. You are different. You are exactly the way you were meant to be, and this world wouldn’t be the same without you.

Can you do something for me today? Can you gather up all the love you can manage and shower YOURSELF with it? Just spend a few minutes showing yourself all the love that you usually only give to others. Just a few minutes of only positive thoughts and energy. No self-doubts. No judgments. Just pure love. The way it is meant to be felt. You deserve this!

I have so much love radiating from my body right now… Can you feel it?

ALL my love…



P.S. I have some exciting news ?? I want to have your presence and energy. Mark your calendar for Saturday, NOVEMBER 23rd for my Body Freedom Workshop! Or better yet, click here to save your spot!
It’s so reasonably priced, as I wanted it to be a no-brainer. I can’t wait to share with you what’s to come!
If you can’t make it, look for more details for my webinar coming up S