I was on the Ellen show, did you know that?


There are defining moments in my career and many of you know that my Bollywood DVD series allowed for my Embody movement program to reach a global audience.


When I was living in Los Angeles, I got a call from my agent about being on the Ellen show. It was a moment I will never forget.


This opportunity and experience has allowed me to see how far I’ve come along. I now get to support women like you to be on the stage of your life to live powerfully. Whether that means for you; being present and balanced in your day-to-day life or feeling confident when giving a presentation to a room full of people or working with clients one on one.

Here it is! Enjoy this unlisted video of the Ellen Show ft. Hemalayaa and subscribe to my YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/g7U_dxYRHro


Love and hugs,


