WOW, this past year was full of so many lessons.
We went on a 7500 mile road trip, and I got so overwhelmed and lost my shit. I was in the middle of two big projects and did not express that I felt fear about being ungrounded and living out of a van.
I had a real tantrum that escalated into a nightmare within minutes.
It’s incredible how quickly we can go into our past unconscious behaviors. I took it out on my partner. I did not take any responsibility for my feelings – I made it about him not being psychic and knowing what I was going through. Not cool!
When I became aware of what I was doing, I felt embarrassed and had some major apologizing to do. It took us months to recover from this.
I learned a few lessons from this experience….
- My first lesson was to speak my truth as it happens, otherwise the emotions and feelings build up.
- The other lesson is that I don’t have to try to keep up with the pace of everyone else.
I think so much of the time us women are used to giving up our path or changing our pace in order to fit in with our partner’s.
I know when I am in the practice of my EMBODY method – I am in light, connected and loving place of myself. The world is a great place, and I am admired by life itself. I notice much more attraction from all around me.
The best way to achieve all the goals, live your purpose AND have incredible relationships is simple — It’s implementing the practices and returning home to your true self again and again.
There are some brave women who are stepping into 2019 in our awesome container called EMBODY Leadership Course. This is a 12 week program designed to support your full confidence, radiance and impact!
If I didn’t have my mentor and sisterhood to remind me of who I am – I would have stayed stuck in it without having the incredible wake up leading me into the most intimate partnership I have experienced to this day.
You’ve done the easy part, you are reading this email. You see something for yourself, now you get to show up fully for yourself. And for each other.
EMBODY Leadership Course is a powerful way to break free of old habits that don’t serve you, and surprise you with the beautiful you who is light, radiant, magnificent and powerful beyond what your imagination allows at this moment.
Welcome to the potential of YOU being the real you !!