I almost killed my sister, numerous times. 
Growing up in a household that battled a lot, and that encouraged fighting, I learned that to get anything accomplished it had to be hard, a struggle and to complain about it the whole way (in order not to jinx it), and that I needed to be in competition for my survival.
I grew up with such a rich culture, and even though my family is from India, we were stressed a lot of the time. There was the stress my parents being immigrants who believed that life was scarce and survival was a fight, and the racism from the community where we lived, as well as confused identity (was I canadian, indian). 
In my adult life, everytime I created something to work on (project/event/program), even if it was something from my heart, it caused stress, and dis-ease to accomplish it. I have been burnt-out numerous times. 
Being a transformational facilitator, this would not be a great way to create in the world — it is a cause for depletion, frustration and breakdowns galore. I create projects and events yearly that take great focus, production and actions, and the breakdowns kept happening; I would lose my shit — want to give up constantly. I was a wreck — stressed out, I lost friends, loved ones felt abandoned, and I was disconnected from myself and others.
I discovered another way… 
Things don’t have to be hard, and I don’t have to stay in an overwhelmed state of being. Nope, I get to be at ease, creativity and feeling fucking fabulous along the way. As you have probably heard, “it’s about the journey, not the destination ” — so how can you create your life-journey to be extraordinary and be one of those people who is heart-centered, connected and joyous most of the time? 
HAHA, even if you think those people are annoying. They still have way more fun than stressed out version of yourself. 
And, let me reassure you — this is who you truly are underneath the hardened heart and shell you’ve created because the world hurt you. 
Are you willing to dive into a pathway that can bring you back into your true self? 
Are you angry, hardened, and not living fully?
If you are living halfway, holding yourself back out of fear, or not feeling safe, let me support your awakening, and guide you to shifting into your greatest self. 
I have been in Personal Development and The Transformation Pathway for over 22 years. You are in good hands. 
I have been there, heck I still practice “getting out of my own way” in order to serve my purpose. When I am NOT overwhelmed and stressed out, I can experience the gratitude I really have for life, and I am connected to myself and the people in my life. Life flows with magical moments and I am actually present for. Wow, what a difference.
I want this for you, and all of us!
Living your Luminous Life, an online group 4 week series, lead by me, Hemalayaa, intended to shift the places in you that you are stressed and overwhelmed to being in fun, peace and radiance. 

This series is about showing you what it takes to experience freedom, being confident to be all of you, and return home to being authentic (without an act) – so you can be connected with yourself at a deeper level and help others to do the same, simply by being you!

Here’s what you will discover in our 4 week series, Luscious Life:

  • Being empowered and embodying your highest self.
  • Being spiritually connected and heart-centered.
  • Being more authentic and have the confidence to just be you 

Join me, and other committed sisters for Luminous Life, an online group 4 week series to shifting the places in you that you are stressed and overwhelmed to being in fun, peace and radiance. 

This is the perfect time — Shift your Holiday Stress Experience to one of Openness, Authentic Connection and Clarity. 

Women, when you get caught in stress, worry, addictions, obsessions and self sabotaging patterns, you are not putting your energy and time on living your purpose fully.

When you are overwhelmed and stressed out, you cannot experience gratitude that you really could have for life, and you are not fully connected to yourself and the people in your life.

~ When you are in Ease and Peace ~ 
Life flows with magical moments and you are actually present for these. 

I want this for you, and all of us!

Here’s what you will discover in our 4 week series, Luscious Life: 
~ Being empowered and embodying your highest self.
~ Being spiritually connected and heart-centered.
~ Being more authentic and have the confidence to just be you 
The format:
~ We will have 4 Live Zoom (video) 90 min calls, with me, Hemalayaa: Movement, lesson, coaching and challenge/dare for the week.
~FB Private Group to Connect with our Sisters and practice the challenges  
1 – private 30 min call with Hemalayaa
WorksheetsThe Four weeks are themed as:

  • Value and Worth – Releasing the places of limiting beliefs that hold you back from your you making more money. Resetting the mindset around finances and prosperity. 
  • Pleasure – tapping into your birthright as a woman, which is sensual, in touch with your playfulness and then creating from this place. It’s way more fun.
  • Spiritual Integrity – committing to your soul connection, and reminder of who you truly are. Rekindling or awakening a relationship with your divine path.
  • Power – owning your power, and birthing ideas, projects, offerings from this center. Standing in what you believe, and living your purpose, unstoppably!
Join us and a community that will support your transformation!
Thursdays in December: 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th
11:30 – 1:00 pm PST

Invest in yourself now for just $97!

Our Black Friday pricing is only $97!
Normally $297…

Don’t miss this amazing deal!
