Coping with the change in the weather isn’t always full of warm fuzzy feelings and cuddling up with loved ones in front of the fire.

I’m a positive person by nature — as if you couldn’t tell! However, that doesn’t mean that I never have bad days, negativities or struggles. I would be a liar if I told you otherwise, and I love you too much to lie to you!

I have been talking a lot recently about how inspiring the change in the seasons can be and how much I love it. HOWEVER, I wanted to acknowledge that it can be a very challenging time of year for some people, especially for those that are surrounded by gloomy weather or endless amounts of bone-chilling rainy days.

Seasonal depression is a real thing. Struggling with seasonal change is a real thing. If this happens to you please know, my love, that you are NOT alone.

The real question is — what can you do about these negative thoughts and emotions?

Oh, how I wish I could be there to give you a giant hug on those bad days!

Since I, unfortunately, can’t be everywhere at once, I can offer you some tips to help you cope with the change in the season.


Yikes — I’m sure you weren’t wanting to hear that one! The upcoming holiday season is filled with delicious temptation. You should absolutely treat yourself — once in a while. As the weather gets colder, we often start reaching for comfort foods.

I encourage you to try practicing mindful eating or find healthier versions of your favorite comfort foods. They are out there — I promise!

Warm warm warm…soups and saucy moist foods and veggies are great to nourish you. Use healthy oils to moisten you from the inside…ghee and extra-virgin olive oil are great additions to your meals. A little drizzle to add that extra nourishment.

Save those ‘Treat Yo Self’ days for special occasions!

LIMIT cold juices and foods in this fall and winter seasons. (That pic is from Bali — where the moisture and heat is welcoming of icy drinks)…not for this season!


It’s really easy to put exercise on the back burner when the days grow shorter and the weather gets colder.

Easy — yes. An excuse? Absolutely not!

With the range of technology these days, there really can be no excuse. If you don’t have the opportunity or funds to make it to a gym, pull up a free yoga workout on YouTube, or download a workout app on your phone for ideas. I’m really into spin/cycle classes to get my heart rate up with a good sweat surge!
Exercise increases serotonin in the brain. Serotonin contributes to your wellbeing and happiness. How can you go wrong?


A simple idea, I know, but one we often ignore. Have you ever paid attention to the fact that often when we have a sad day, we will isolate ourselves? We might lock the door and hide in our room, or ignore friend requests for an evening out in exchange for solitude.

This doesn’t mean that you should never have alone time — not at all! Every Goddess needs to recharge the soul with some positive alone time now and then. I’m talking about those sad days where you don’t want to get out of bed and Netflix becomes your new best friend. On those days, shut down the computer and reach out to a friend or family member instead.

I am sending you so much love right now, and I sincerely hope that this changing of seasons brings you nothing but inspiration and positivity! What practices do you like to use to keep your mood uplifted in these colder months?

LOVE and warmth to you!!