
I think with anything, if you do it long enough, it will feel like work or be predictable. Bhakti Fest and I have had a relationship for 8 years. I’ve been teaching at the festival since it’s 2nd year, and it was fascinating in the first few years, then slowly became something I just did. The heat and dryness of the desert got to me, I felt over stimulated by the amount of people and loud music (even though it is exactly the music I love to be in). There was something that shifted in me that made it “work” instead of play.

Well, this past weekend I had that attitude of “do I have to??!!” I went in with an “I’m over it” feeling. Being a teacher in this field is challenging, as there is many places to offer, but not enough resources to keep me sustained. But I do love doing what I do. I lead people (and myself) through experiences of transformation and opening minds up to being in love with life without worries (in my 1.5 hour workshops). I taught on the first day, and it was great. But my next class wasn’t until the last class on Sunday (last class slot of the weekend), so I had two full days in between to float, or go home…

I was planning to come back to my office, my desk, my comforts and escape the heat, sweat and aggravation from it all. But the Bhav (the mood) of the festival kept me there. I witnessed a few newbies, as I hung out with sweet newcomers to the festival. I breathed in their awe from the beautiful production of music, classes and food that wafted in the air.

Then, my God-daughters and best friends came to visit the festival on Saturday and that pushed me over the edge of enjoyment. With their excitement and running up to me yelling “Hema, Hema, this is Bhaktifest…it’s so fun!” in their cute 7 and 2 year old voices. I had their hands guiding me and leading me into fun again. I found the newness, and appreciated this gift of being able to express and play in a safe, beautiful environment.

Just like with life, it’s up to us to seek the newness in every day.
I’m offering my next ‘Enlightened Women ~ Leadership Program’ at discount to honor the bhav.

For the next week before it begins, if you mention “Bhakti Fest” you’ll get to take the program for $247. See here for all the details:


IMG_0778Larissa Stow, of the Shakti Tribe and I got to connect. Her music is the best!!!


Laura Plumb and I LOVE each other. She interviewed me for her website and upcoming program on detox. I love this woman!!!

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