by Hemalayaa | Sep 25, 2019 | hema blog
You are a whole being. When one part of you is off, others tend to be off too. And when one part is THRIVING others follow along into greatness. Treating your physical well-being treats your soul. Taking care of your emotional health feeds your spirit. Eating...
by Hemalayaa | Sep 23, 2019 | hema blog
Dear Sister, Have you heard the saying, “Be the leading lady in the movie of your life!”? How often have you lived like a side character, waiting for the action to happen to you instead of taking the lead role and making things happen? Well...
by Hemalayaa | Sep 20, 2019 | hema blog
Winter is coming. Can you feel it? Short days, a chill in the air. The ‘so long summer’ blues… I know, it’s still fall. And fall is AMAZING. Beautiful colors, new flavors. A calmer sunshine that’s still warm but no longer blazing. The calm lull of fall weather...
by Hemalayaa | Sep 18, 2019 | hema blog
Have you ever had a moment when you just KNEW that you were doing EXACTLY what you’re meant to do? So I’m having a little bit of fun in this picture… Okay, I’m having a LOT of fun in this picture… Seriously though, I’m having A BLAST here! ...
by Hemalayaa | Sep 16, 2019 | hema blog
I have danced all my life. The movement was already inside, right from the beginning. Have you ever watched a baby dance? A baby isn’t taught to dance, but when they hear music, almost every time, with almost every child, they begin to move. Arms waving, legs...