Have you ever given up on something you wanted to do?
Was it because fears came up and stopped you?

Or did you have other excuses that made it ‘not possible’ like; “I’m too busy”, “I don’t have the talent” or perhaps life or drama got in the way…

I’m saying all this because I had all that going on for me recently.

I have recently jumped into singing – WHOA…., and the fear around this was more intense than I was expecting! I had thoughts that paralyzed me at times. Thinking “there’s no way I’ll ever be good enough” and labeling this as “singing is something I’d like to do…but I’m not born with that talent”

And, the other “stories” I told myself,  like ‘I’m too busy’, and at times I even created drama in my relationships, where there were no issues — yes this really happens — our mind will create all sorts of things to stop us from going for our hearts true yearning. The mind’s job is to protect us, so it sets off alarm bells by doing these things by having a fight or flight reaction.

I didn’t know I was doing it in the moment — watch out it’s tricky!

I actually thought I was dying. The fear was that intense…

I’m going to share the ways I got through the fear and actually got on stage and sang LIVE….and guess what? I did not die! It was a process though, let me tell you…I had to let go of perfectionism, and comparing myself to others AND most of all, get out of my head.

When we want to try something that is foreign to us, the best way to do it is to be completely in the moment – “present” as they say 😉 Easier said than done, but not impossible.

It’s certainly challenging when all yo’ stuff is coming up. By ‘stuff’ I mean the doubts, beliefs that “I’m not enough, or not good enough to be doing this…”

Here are the ways I got through the fear, practices I continue to use as I keep moving along these new paths of going for things that interests me.

#1  Let yourself be a baby! Beginner’s mind is a beautiful thing. Let yourself be curious and not know the answers. It’s not only good for you progressing forward in the learning process, but it’s also great for your mind. A healthy mind is one that is constantly learning something new. Be a baby.
#2  Dream, but be present! Of course, have goals and dreams, and make a plan to move towards these, but stay in the present moment you are in. The thing I noticed that really stopped me was seeing myself on stage with a mic in my hand singing beautifully. In the moment, I am not close to that. I am in my living room practicing vocal warm-ups and preparing my “instrument” to be able to learn more ways to play with my voice
#3  Keep moving forward regardless of the voices in your head! Those voices are usually wrong anyway. The true voice of reason is your heart. That’s not always easy to connect with when we are fearful, so keep taking steps forward. FOr me, I keep doing my vocal practices, taking lessons, writing my baby raps, and singing. About those voices in your head – don’t believe them, or buy into them. They will take you down a rabbit hole of self-destruction. Keep progressing forward by taking the dance classes, getting coaching, writing your script/treatment, taking acting lessons, etc…
Keep stepping through your fears with these tips! The best of life is on the other side of fear!

If you are ready to rock your life, have support to help you get through the fear and begin living the life you want then book a deep dive call with me! I can help you step into your true wild woman, help you see through all the clutter, noise and confusion and begin to the live the life you desire.   Book a deep dive call with me here! 

If you are ready for the most expansive, soul-shifting transformation you’ve ever had… because life is too short for “fine”, then let’s talk! Book on my calendar today.